Welcome to Grandin Manor

Grandin Manor is an owner-owned condominium centrally located in Edmonton, Alberta. Grandin Manor is an Adults Only building.

About this Website

The Grandin Manor Website is operated by the Grandin Manor Condominium Owners Board of Directors. It is meant as a reference tool for Grandin Manor owners and residents.
The Board is not involved with the rental of any suites within Grandin Manor.

Grandin Manor Annual General Meeting

The next Grandin Manor AGM is scheduled to be held on October 26, 2023 at Holy Child School (9844 - 110 Street NW). AGM packages have been distributed to owner by email. Paper packages will be mailed shortly. If you have not received your package, please contact Magnum York (see Building Management information below).

Condominium Bylaws

Bylaws are currently being updated and reviewed. The current bylaws are avalable below:

Grandin Manor Condominium Corporation Bylaws PDF Icon

Useful Forms and Documents

Building Management

Grandin Manor employs Magnum York Property Management Ltd. to perform building management functions.

Contact information for Magnum York is:

Magnum York Service Request Form

Jeremy Graham, Condominium Manager
Office: 780-482-1644

Magnum York office hours are: 0800 - 1630 Monday through Friday; offices are closed on all statutory holidays.

Emergency Requests may be placed to Magnum York after hours at the main office number 780-482-1644

Grandin Manor Site Office

The telephone number for the Grandin Manor Office is (780) 488-4185. Please direct urgent calls to Magnum York Management (780) 482-1644.

Grandin Manor Office Hours




8:00 AM to 12:00 PM


8:00 AM to 12:00 PM


10:30 AM to 2:30 PM


8:00 AM to 12:00 PM


8:00 AM to 12:00 PM

The Grandin Manor office is closed on statutory holidays.  Check the office door in the lobby for up-to-the minute information.

Do you have questions for the Grandin Manor Board of Directors? Contact us at our email address.


This page last updated: Ocober 4, 2023